Boost your drugstore shelf with DiagExpert, euopean leader in drugstore’s diagnostic.

DiagExpert analyses, diagnoses and predicts set criteria’s degradation, that allowing you to fully treat your customer’s issues. We want you to face more efficiently a difficult economic :

The mass retail increases its market share by 5,5% per year! 9,8% of cosmetics are bought in drugstore versus 69% in mass retail.

The competition is hard : 1 pharmacy for 2500 residents. So you have to stand out from competitors.

53% pharmacy's customers request more diagnosis in pharmacy, to be more advised.

By identifying the drugstore as an increasingly competitive market, SYNERTECH developed DIAGEXPERT solution. Our goal is to allow you to :

SELL MORE: with an adapted advice approach, you will increase your average ticket in particular with additional sales.

SELL BETTER : in doing a professional and private diagnosis, you will improve the quality of service provided and will develop the fidelity of your patient list.